Dear Dr. Kirkpatrick,

Thank you for forwarding this web page regarding one of the serious complications reported for the ketamine coma study. The patient developed a severe pneumonia from a super bug:

  "Risk / benefit analysis of the Ketamine Coma Study"

As a parent of a RSD patient I can not express strongly enough what the ketamine coma did for my daughter Mary. Before going to Mexico, Mary was totally bed ridden and could not move from the neck down. In the last few weeks leading up to the coma, she had trouble opening her mouth making it necessary for us to mash her food.  I strongly feel without the ketamine coma she would not be with us today.

Since returning from Mexico less than a year ago, she is able to do most things for herself and is attending college and making plans for the future.

As stated this was the last resort and well worth the money and risk. Mary knew all the risk factors before agreeing to go, she also knew she had no chance of a productive future without the ketamine coma.

We would and do recommend the coma for RSD patients. Life is full of taking chances, and entering a hospital setting anywhere in the world elevates a patient’s risk of infection. We found the hospital in Monterrey Mexico to be very clean and very cautious as they took many steps to ensure the safety of their patients.

Margaret Remotti

Windsor Locks, CT USA

March 5, 2009