Do doctors torture patients with complex regional pain syndrome?


This 4-part video series informs the public about conversion reactions and reveals substandard care of a young patient with severe complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) by doctors at  the University's Children's Medical Center, Dallas.

Intentional or not, some doctors torture patients with CRPS.

PART I: Evaluation of the patient with CRPS who became paralyzed following surgery (16- Minute)



PART II: How to deal with a hospital that provides substandard care (26-Minute)



PART III: 1-month follow-up after ketamine treatment (6-Minute)



PART IV: Conversion Reactions in Children

Sabine Kost-Byerly MD, Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins Medical School

Director of Pediatric Pain Management at Johns Hopkins







Patient video prior to gall bladder surgery

Ketamine infusion therapy complicated by multiple sites of acute pain




The International Research Foundation for RSD / CRPS is a
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