International Research Foundation for RSD/CRPS


7th Annual RSD/CRPS Conference in the UK

The 7th annual conference is to be held at the Cedar Court Hotel and Conferencing Centre, Denby Dale Road, Wakefield on Saturday 25th September 2004. There will be either a workshop or a social gathering on the Friday (24th) starting around 2:00 pm and the main conferencing event will be starting at around 9:30 am on the Saturday morning. Many guests stay either Friday or Saturday night, or both, at the Cedar Court Hotel or at a nearby Travelodge type motel.

The conference will give opportunity for those interested to find out more about RSD/CRPS, to hear about research being carried out in the UK and learn if there is anything new in the RSD/CRPS world. The format is one that is interesting and informative, suitable for professionals, but not too in-depth to confuse lay-people.

More information will be posted soon at


Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)   |   Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

The International Research Foundation for RSD/CRPS is a
501(c)(3) (not-for-profit) organization in the United States of America.

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