Video Presentation:
Ketamine Coma Study
This12-minute video recording is intended to serve as a guide to health professionals and research participants in formulating questions about the ketamine coma study.
Dr. Fernando Cantu in Mexico and his colleagues are determined to provide informed consent for the ketamine coma study. Given the serious risks of the study, the following video will be a valuable tool in facilitating the understanding required to provide informed consent. It is difficult to have the family watch all that goes on in the ICU the first day of the ketamine coma. The video will help the families and health providers understand the typical procedures involved.

To view patient being prepared for a 5-day ketamine coma:
12 min., Broadband Video, 340K
12 min., Broadband Video, 150K
12 min, Dial-Up Video, 38 K
Video Version in:
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If you do not have it, download it here: Microsoft Media Player
If you only have dial-up with a very low bandwidth, you can still view the broadband version of the video by first downloading the video to your desktop. INSTRUCTIONS: While in the IE browser, do a right click over the link and select “Save Target As” and save to your desktop.